Tired of low battery message? Improve the lifespan of your mobile battery with some useful tips

Tired of low battery message? Improve the lifespan of your mobile battery with some useful tips
Tired of low battery message? Improve the lifespan of your mobile battery with some useful tips

 Technology has given us several gifts, and one of them is a smartphone. Having access to all the things through one gadget was a fantasy, but today you can book appointments with doctors, surf internet and communicate with far-flung friends by just a few taps on your phone. But every device has some limitations. In case of mobiles, it is the battery which drags you to power connectors now and then.

Usually, people are not aware of the fact that a life of a battery can be enhanced with the help of some tips. Following I have discussed some common mistakes that users commit which ultimately leads you to a drained battery.

Improve the lifespan of your mobile battery with some useful tips

  • Keeping your mobile always plugged-in for charging

Various users keep their phones connected to a charger all the times to maintain 100% charge without even knowing that it can damage a mobile in the long run. Excessive charging directly affects the battery lifespan of your device as it will lose the ability to maintain the charge in it. Whenever you leave a phone plugged in, it keeps on drawing power from the connector or charging outlet which in return increases the heat levels. It can result in the fire as well if the battery malfunctions and blasts due to extra charge.

Here instead of charging your phone continuously, you can buy a power bank through which you can charge your device at any place and time.

  • Background application using battery

When you use an application on your mobile and proceed to another task without exiting it properly, then it keeps on operating in the background. Due to this, it consumes battery, and eventually, your device faces an early low battery situation. Here you need to make sure that all applications are closed which you have opened. Make it a habit of exiting every app entirely by closing it.

  • Keeping numerous social media applications

There are certain apps which use a significant amount of charge to run accurately such as FaceBook. When you turn on the notification and update feature, then it starts consuming even more battery. To get a better lifespan, you have to limit the usage of the social media applications. Download and use only those apps which you visit the most. With this, you will save power and will get rid of excess social media apps which you are not using anymore.

  • Wrong usage of streaming applications

Today we use YouTube, Pandora and many other websites as well as apps which streams online and uses notable battery charge. Using them is not bad, but if your focus is on having a better battery life, then you have to limit the usage of such application. In case if it is inevitable, then I suggest you carry a power bank to recharge your device when it shows the low battery.

  • Keeping GPS features always on

Many times it happens that we forget to switch off the GPS after using it. Majorly navigation and some other applications such as restaurant apps utilize GPS. It is one of the features of a mobile which absorbs a higher level of charge. One cannot stop using this facility, but it is advisable that after using it you should turn off the GPS immediately.

These mistakes are common and can be eliminated easily. It can help you in extending the battery life of your device to a greater extent. But, it is possible that the component might be faulty due to which you are facing issues with it. Here you need to see an expert who can guide you with suitable solutions.