Is it okay to leave the phone in charge at night

Is it okay to leave the phone in charge at night read here
In fact, in modern smartphones there is a serious problem with lithium-ion batteries, which, as everyone has been able to notice, are not made to last forever.
When the charge is exhausted and the phone is connected to the charger, a charging cycle begins that lasts a couple of hours.
A battery, of average, lasts about 400 or 500 cycles before losing capacity and decisively deteriorating its autonomy.
At night, leaving the phone charging while we sleep, maybe for 7 or 8 hours, the battery after reaching 100% ceases to charge thanks to the management system internal to the operating system of the phone.
Although the Android or iOS system is smart enough to prevent any damage from overload, the problem of continuous charging is the heat that is generated, not positive for the health of lithium batteries.
Long periods of high heat will degrade the battery faster.
Lithium ion suffers from stress when exposed to heat because it maintains a high-voltage charge cell.
Exposing the battery to high temperatures and remaining in a full state of charge over an extended period of time can be very stressful for the battery that will lose capacity.
High temperature accelerates the loss of permanent capacity on smartphone batteries, although not all lithium ion systems behave the same way.
According to the article on the Battery University website , however, a normal charge does not cause excessive heating even if you keep the phone connected all night, but must remain cool , have room to breathe, without leaving it, for example, locked in a drawer or in the middle of the blankets.
So if we can manage the heat during the night charge, there are no problems of battery degradation and we can rest assured to recharge it while we sleep and leave it attached for so many consecutive hours.
At the same time, however, to increase and keep battery capacity high, it is advised not to charge the phone 100% as often as possible.
In practice, it is always convenient to keep the phone battery charged between 40 and 80 percent, so as to prolong its life longer.
This is not a convenient option for those who prefer to charge the phone during the night, but it is something to remember for those who have the possibility to charge the phone during the day.
Basically, letting the phone charge up to 100% does not damage the battery because the operating system prevents overloads and correctly manages the cycles, but since the act of charging the phone battery causes it to overheat, keep it in charge all night can reduce its capacity over time.
To be more specific, ResearchGate has found that charging up to 85% of the battery brings a longer lifespan than charging up to 100%.
Knowing that charging up to 100% is not the best practice for battery health , we have seen apps like Accubattery for Android to measure the phone’s battery capacity, which also allows you to set a sound notification so you know when the phone is 80% or 85% charged and unplug it (with the option “do not disturb” at night).
To set this type of notification when the battery reaches a certain level of charge you can also use an automation app for Android like Macrodroid.
Moreover, as explained in the article about how often to charge the battery of the mobile phone to prolong its duration, it is important that the phone is charged when the battery falls below 40% and never let it reach 0 if you do not want to its capacity deteriorates.
There is no problem, moreover, to recharge the phone when its battery still has 50% or 60% autonomy and there is no negative effect in the early reload.