Why choose UAE Technician for Wireless Networks?

Regardless of the size and cost of the office wireless network you require we have a commitment to you, and ourselves to do things right. We have engineered a process which allows us to provide you with exactly what you want, with 100% satisfaction guaranteed.

We will review your current IT landscape and the way in which your user’s access information both internally within the office and from home office environments. This will include the types of devices they are using to connect to your network (company and personal) and any priority that needs allocating to certain devices. We will survey the office to allow us to accurately plan and design your wireless network to ensure 100% coverage for both fixed and roaming users. Once the Wi-Fi is in place, we carry out rigorous tests and configurations to leave you with an easy to manage, scalable wireless network.

We also offer flexibility in procurement on a rental or capital basis. Our solutions can be supported through standard break-fix support or fully managed service delivering you a wireless solution without the hassle of managing it at a fixed monthly costs.

Call today for a free wireless quotation on 045490502. Our experts are ready for your call to discuss your requirements for a cost effective, always-on wireless network.
Office Wireless Networks
We can customize an office wireless network based on the number of users, types of devices and physical size of the buildings to ensure the most cost effective wireless solution for your office.

UAE Technician can provide you with a well-planned and scalable office wireless network which gives you, your employees and their devices always-on access that’s flexible, inexpensive, easy to maintain, no signal drop outs or delays. 100% coverage – 100% of the time.

Office Wireless Security
The security of an office Wi-Fi network is always a major concern. As part of our wireless solutions, our engineers will configure your system to work with Radius 802.1X controls and any appropriate data base such as Active Directory to ensure that only known and authorized systems and users can access company data. We offer separate yet controlled access for personal equipment such as smartphones if required. We also have time-controlled setups to control usage during office hours.

Benefits of a Secure Wireless Network

  • Health and Safety; no cables means no hazards
  • Signals can be sent through walls, floors, ceilings to save on installation costs
  • Simple to add stations in any environment
  • Shared access to printers, storage devices and networks
  • Easy to transfer and install in new location
  • Secure way to transfer data
Upgrade existing Wi-Fi
The possibility of upgrading your current Wi-Fi network will depend on what you have in place, equipment specifications (if the devices and upgradable or able to connect with other devices), and location limitations. Typically, networks over 2 years old running on A B or G channels will provide a less than adequate speed for the modern office. The introduction of recent N technologies has seen the wireless performance significantly bettered. Based on your current requirements, we can upgrade your entire network to N or co-inhabit with A B and G. We can also provide bandwidth management tools to allow you to manage a mixed environment to allocate speeds and performance to those who need it most.

New Wireless Network
In many cases it can be more cost effective to setup Wi-Fi all over again. UAE Technician can offer trade in deals to help lower the cost of your new install to provide a new, well designed wireless network that will meet the demands of today and the technologies of tomorrow.
What lies ahead?
Technology is developing at a very fast rate. It’s very difficult to predict which direction it may take, but the one thing which does remain constant, is change. We at UAE Technician are constantly in the lookout for change and advancing technologies, so that we can keep our clients up to date. Preparing you for this change and as you acquire knowledge through us, we can together keep up to the speeds of cutting edge technology.

Wireless Bridge Installations
UAE Technician Wireless Networks provide Wireless Bridge installation solutions to allow you to share your network with other buildings across distances up to 4km.

If you’re looking to connect your office or remote building to the main building or even to a warehouse, getting another internet connection from Etisalat/Du, laying new cables can be costly, time consuming and often impossible in many environments.

A Wireless Bridge set up can replace these expensive traditional bridging methods to provide fast and secure connectivity for data, voice and video applications to your remote buildings.

UAE Technician provides various products that have high-end Wi-Fi connectivity for outdoors.

What is a Wireless Bridge?
A wireless bridge is a network connection between two or more physically separated points. The network bridge is usually created using a wireless signal; however it can also be made using light, operating software or traditional network cabling.

Network bridge connections can be in a Point to Point or Point to Multi-Point configuration and can provide fast, secure connectivity for data, voice and video applications. Wireless bridges are especially suited to organizations with large campus sites and multiple buildings where traditional connection methods may be difficult due to pre-existing roads and utilities which make new service provision difficult to construct.

We can provide you with a wireless bridge set up that’s perfect for your organization. Considering your environment and the bandwidth you’re looking to transfer, we can choose a solution specific to your requirements and more importantly your budget.

UAE Technician Wireless Solutions aims to provide secure cutting edge wireless solutions for private industry, Public Safety/Mission Critical, Education and the public sector.

Here are some of the turn-key solutions that UAE Technician can provide for your business.
Data Communications
  • Wireless LAN & WAN Communications
  • Wireless Business Automation and Dispatch Systems
  • Remote Access / VPN
  • Fixed and Mobile Broadband Networks
  • Wireless Handheld Computing and Barcode Scanning
  • RFID – Passive and Active
Video Communications
  • Wireless LAN & WAN Communications
  • Wireless and Wired CCTV Cameras and Infrastructure
  • Mobile Video Collection and Storage
  • IP / PC Based CCTV Systems
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