How To Fix the Error Code SC400 on Ricoh MP C2500 Printer?

Error code SC400 is another most commonly occurring error code that takes place in the Ricoh MP C2500 printer. There can be many causes behind the occurrence of this error which may include ID sensor fittings, loose connector, broken, defective sensor, dirty ID sensor dirty, defective ID sensor, defective IOB, BCU faulty, LD unit broken, CGB/PPG power pack issue, etc. To stop such error from emerging, you should often clean the sensor yourself. You can wipe out the dust with the help of a soft dry cloth. You can also make use of a tiny bit of alcohol for cleaning purpose. If in case you are unable to reach the sensors of the printer, you can make use of canned air to clean them. Make sure you clean all the five sensors. Other than this you can try the following methods to fix the printer error.

Solution 1:
- Turn Off the Ricoh printer and disconnect it from the power source.
- Now in the next step, open the lid of the printer.
- Turn on the printer again you will see that the cartridges will start moving towards the left. You need to close the lid before the cartridges reach its destination.
- Leave the Ricoh printer on and verify whether the issue is resolved.
Solution 2:
- Reseat the print head of your device and turn it off.
- Now, wait for a minute and then turn your printer on again and check if the problem is resolved.
Solution 3:
- Turn off the printer and make sure it is not connected to any power outlet.
- Detach and clean the print head as well as the connectors with the cue tips and alcohol of the gadget.
- Let the connectors dry completely and only then turn on your printer.
- Now, press the power button rapidly to start the reboot mode on the printer, the problem must be solved.
Solution 4:
- Switch off the printer and take out all the cartridges of ink.
- Now, raise up the grey bar by where the ink flows.
- In the next step, left the print head in the center of the device all while the printer was off.
- Now, you need to clean the plastic head primers on the printer.
Solution 5:
Check for obstruction but before doing that power off your Ricoh printer. Exclude the papers from the tray and check for any interference.
Solution 6:
Close your printer unit and check whether the ink tanks are placed correctly. Remove the cartridges and place them accurately at their respective position. Make sure that you hear them locking sound when your place.
The above mentioned were some steps that you need to follow for fixing the error code SC400. But in case, you are unable to do so, don’t get panic. Contact us; we have gathered a team of units that have complete knowledge of every issue and their solutions related to all models of Ricoh printer. To have access to our world-class services all you need to do is to call us at our service helpline number. Our specialists will be gratified to help you.