How to Boost Wifi Speed

How to Boost Wifi Speed
How to Boost Wifi Speed

Call us @ 045864031 to boost up your internet speed, We will resolved your all technical issues which are obstacle for your internet speed.

The internet is a basic need of today’s generation which is why we use WIFI at all the locations so that we can stay up to date with all latest developments in the world. Now imagine if you get the chance to boost the speed of your WIFI. Yes, it is possible but only when you make smart choices. Below in this blog, I have discussed 10 fantastic ways through which you can get better speed than the regular times. All you need to do is be smart enough to apply stated methods in the same way.

Top 10 ways to boost the speed of your Home WIFI without any hassle!


  1. Get the advanced or latest WIFI Technology

Having the right hardware plays a vital role in speed enhancement of WIFI. Routers are purchased by keeping standards in mind. Wireless B, A, N, and G are now considered to be older versions of the wireless standard. AC is the latest offering which is capable of providing better outputs. If you are fanatic about watching videos all day long then you will face issues while using old wireless whereas, on the other hand, AC connection has the power of moving data at a faster rate which gives you freedom from buffering or stuttering of HD content. However, to boost speed only having an AC connection won’t help. You will need AC router, networking card, or you can also use a USB dongle which has wireless AC support in the system. If I have to narrow down your search, then you can go for brands like Eero, Luma, and Google.

  1. Search the right spot for the router

Finding a perfect location for your router is very critical as the speed of the WIFI will depend on it. Generally, due to lack of knowledge users prefer to hide it under a table or behind TV sets which in return affects the speed. The more you need better speed, the more you have to keep your router in the open as they work on its best efficiency when they are free of any walls and obstructions. The best thing to do in such situation is mounting your router on a wall by finding a perfect spot with the help of a technician. Usually, devices come with mounting holes, or you can also use a third-party mounting bracket. Always keep the antennas in a perpendicular direction and elevate it if it is possible. To have equal and better coverage in the entire house, make sure that your router is installed at the center of your house.

  1. Find the Right Wireless Channel

Wireless channels are the frequencies on which a WIFI network transmits and receives data, and it gets affected when it is interrupted by other devices present in the locality which results in degradation of signal. A router can operate on different channels. Here all you need to do is find the one which has less interference. For this purpose, you can use a tool such as “Network Analyzer Lite” or “WiFi Analyzer.” With the help of such software, you can get to know about the perfect channel in your house which can offer the best speed.

  1. Remove all the interference due to other appliances

Along with other router devices, appliances such as a smart phone or a microwave can also interrupt your signals. To avoid such issue, make a note to buy only dual-band routers when you plan a purchase. In case if you already have bought a device, then you can try to place it in such a way that any other appliance does not come in its way.

  1. Apply better security

Many times it happens that due to incorrect security settings some other users try to steal data. However, you can avoid such situation by applying some security methods. Use a secure password which has numbers and alphabets as such passcodes are difficult to crack. You can also use cloaking which is another useful measure to keep your neighbor and attackers away from your internet connection. By applying this method, you will be invisible to other users. Hiding router’s SSID (name of the WiFi network) is also an effective measure where a user will be asked to type the WIFI name manually. To do this, you will need to toggle the SSID broadcast option in the firmware settings.

Sometimes when you purchase and install a device, then the technician puts a password and User ID in it to run it properly. In some cases, people forget to change it which ultimately compromises the security of your network. Make sure that you change the password, the moment you get the charge of your device. After this, enable the WPA2 password protection on your WIFI network as It is encrypted which makes it more secure than the older WPA or WEP security options.

  1. Save bandwidth by limiting hogging applications

If there is someone in your home who is a fan of doing video chats, playing online games and downloading torrents or addicted to Netflix, then you are a victim of bandwidth hogging. It is a situation where one user uses all the bandwidth in such type of applications, and on the other hand, nothing remains for other users. This type of usage makes the internet slower for everyone else. However, in such situation, you can use “Quality of Service.” QOS can help you in controlling the usage of data by these applications with the help of prioritizing bandwidth.

  1. Increase the range of your WIFI with some tricks

There are some solutions which you can apply to enhance the range of your WIFI. Generally, all most every router and PC network cards use adjustable antennae or twist-off antennae with RP-SMA connectors. To get the better range, you can buy RP-SMA antenna extension cables or a directional antenna.

  1. Hack your router to get better signals

It is a bit technical way out, but any user can do it very quickly. In this method, all you need to do is hack your router and install the DD-WRT firmware. It is more like a crack for getting better signals. By applying this firmware, you will get numerous security options along with better transmitting power. Here you need to understand that sometimes this solution can be dangerous for your router, but mostly all models and types of routers can handle up to 70 MW without facing any issues. It will also provide you better range.

  1. Turn your old router into a WIFI repeater

If all other alternatives fail to serve your purpose, then you can try range extender. This device is not much expensive, but in case if you don’t want to invest in it, then you can turn your old wireless router into an extender with the help of DD-WRT firmware. You can also try to connect one router to another through Ethernet cable which will create another access point in your home.

  1. Set a schedule for your router to reboot

Some users face this problem when they have to reboot their router on a frequent basis. However, you can resolve this issue by running some tests which will make sure that the reason behind the problem is heat, old firmware, or excess downloading. You can also solve it by scheduling an automatic reboot once a day. To do so, you can use DD-WRT or outlet timer.

With these tricks, you can get better speed and range from your router. However, sometimes due to technical issues or logical damage your device may not perform. In such case, proper troubleshooting is required. You can also approach a technician who has relevant experience in the domain of router installation. If you are searching options in Dubai, then UAE Technician is the service provider which you should contact. They have their service centers in all the locations. No matter where you put up they will reach you within promised time along with quality solutions.

In case if your internet Wifi Speed is not  boost then call us @ 045864031, We are also providing the full support for given belwo issues to make your internet faster.

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