Screen Keeps Going Black in Windows 10? Know the Easy Ways to Fix it

Screen Keeps Going Black in Windows 10? Know the Easy Ways to Fix it
Screen Keeps Going Black in Windows 10? Know the Easy Ways to Fix it
Screen Keeps Going Black in Windows 10

Usually, for most malfunctions and errors in your PC, you can easily find the solution. All you need is the monitor and its display. However, what if there is nothing displayed at all and it’s totally black? The screen is necessary for you to conduct various scans and repair processes. If you’re facing this issue, you surely know how annoying this can be. 

Moreover, it is unfortunately not a rare problem but is more common than you might think. That makes it a concern as other serious problems. But luckily, there are some ways you can fix this. Looking for solutions when the screen keeps going black in Windows 10? Then, you are at the right place to get some useful information on how to prevent it in the long run. 

Why Does Screen Keeps Going Black in Windows 10 and How to Fix it?

Various issues in your computer can cause the screen to go dark frequently. However, there’s no need to worry as you can solve pretty much all of them by yourself. Now, what you need to know is the methods for doing that. If done right, they can provide you with an effective and long-lasting solution. 

  1. Overheated CPU

As you might know, the system might crash when the device heats up too much. However, sometimes it can also cause the screen to go completely dark. That would understandably be a little confusing to you. Among other things, you must check if the CPU feels hot. It’s probably not an issue if you find it to be a little warm. After all, that can be considered normal. If it feels almost like burning, then you must not ignore it. 

Now, there could be various causes behind it. You might have been doing a heavy task on your device, such as playing a high graphics game. Did it go dark when you were doing just a regular task with low demands? Then, check inside the CPU and make sure it’s clean, especially the fans. 

If the fans don’t seem to be effective in releasing heat, then you must upgrade them. Does it seem like one or two aren’t enough? Then, you must add a fan if need be, and if possible. That can surely help the CPU from staying cool for a longer time and not get overheated so easily. In turn, it’ll also minimize your chances of the screen keeps going black in Windows 10 again, provided that there’s no other cause. 

  1. Damaged Monitor

The first thing you probably fear after facing the problem is the monitor being damaged. So, it’s time to check and verify that it is working well. Before that, you might want to try out the previous method, if you haven’t. After all, your monitor doesn’t necessarily have to be damaged. There’s no reason for you to jump to that conclusion. 

Do you have any other monitor available? If not, you might want to try borrowing one or even use a TV to check the display. Do you see it working with them? Then, there might be a problem with your monitor. In that case, you must either replace it or hire a professional to repair it. 

Don’t get any display even by using the other monitors? You can then be assured that your monitor is fine and the problem lies somewhere else. 

  1. Faulty Cables

Running a computer involves so many connections between various components by cables. If your monitor isn’t showing anything, it might be caused by a faulty video cable. Either it isn’t properly connected or has received damage due to some reason. 

Unplug the cable and then plug it in again, and try some random mouse movement. Does the screen remain black? Then, there has to be an issue with the cable. In that case, the best thing to do would be to replace it. If there’s no other issue, doing this will effectively solve the screen keeps going black in Windows 10 problem. 

  1. Connection Unsuitable for Display Quality

Have you just got a monitor with an HD display? In that case, don’t jump to the conclusion that you’ve been sold defective goods. First, you need to make sure if all other components are alright. Especially, you need to pay attention to the display cable you’re using. 

Upgrading the monitor isn’t enough and you also have to get a suitable connection for it. After all, not all of them have the capability of working with high-resolution monitors. Therefore, a suitable connection is all you might need to bring back your screen display. 

  1. Drivers are too Old

Your PC might have the great visual capability. However, that is of no use unless the system can use it fully. For that, it needs a driver to act along with the graphics card. If you think about it, the system requirements to run programs such as games is increasing with time. As a result, the requirement for better performance also increases. For that, you need to upgrade the driver once in a while regularly. Not doing so will surely cause problems while running certain programs. If the screen keeps going black in Windows 10, this could be the reasons behind it. 

Therefore, it’s time to look for updates if you have been using quite an old version. Update it as soon as you can and that might fix the problem. After all, this has been effective in bringing back the visuals on the screen in many cases. 

  1. Compatibility Issues between Drivers And System

As you know, the video driver has a very important role to play in the functioning of your device. Therefore, you need to make sure that the one you’re using is suitable for the system. After all, you can’t use just any version for any operating system. The problem you’re facing with the screen could have something to do with this. 

Have you upgraded the driver lately? Maybe the current version that you’re using doesn’t go well with the system. If that’s the case then you need to use the right one. 

You might want to consider bringing the older version back, provided it was working well. And, that might fix the issue once and for all. Moreover, it is quite a simple method and can be implemented through the Device Manager. 


If your screen keeps going black in Windows 10, you must try the above-mentioned methods. They are some of the simplest, as well as viable solutions to this type of issue. Moreover, they have even proved to be helpful to many users and will hopefully be the same for you.