How to Choose the LCD Monitor and Screen Resolution

How to Choose the LCD Monitor and Screen Resolution
How to Choose the LCD Monitor and Screen Resolution

How to choose the LCD monitor- After talking about things to know before buying a new computer, let’s see now how to choose a monitor to buy and what technical parameters to consider to make a good purchase, depending on the price you are willing to pay.

The monitors that are sold in electronics stores and in shopping centers are LCDs or liquid crystal flat screens.

At the same time that LCD monitors have conquered the television market, they have also become a standard for a computer screen (which, in turn, can now be used to watch movies and TV).

The monitor LCD flat-screen they are much thinner and lighter than the old CRT (cathode ray tube).

They also require less energy, do not emit electromagnetic radiation, and the technology allows for clearer images, higher resolutions and a flicker-free display, good for eye health.

How to choose the LCD monitor

So let’s see a shopping guide on how to choose a new flat-panel LCD monitor.

1) Screen

size The screen size is measured in inches, in the diagonal distance from the bottom left corner to the top right corner of the screen.

Available sizes range from 15 “to 30” inches but, generally, the most common format for a desktop monitor today is 19 “or, maximum, 22”.

It is absolutely not recommended to buy a large monitor, but larger dimensions require more space on the desk and the cost rises enough.

Using the computer on a large screen is especially useful for those who work with graphics programs and who must keep multiple windows open in parallel.

2) Proportions

Almost all monitors of today have two types of proportions: the 16/9 with a widescreen and the 43 / £ with an almost square display.

16: 9 monitors are also called HD (high definition) and are more expensive.

If you use your computer to watch movies and DVDs, use a monitor like a modern television with a 16/9 screen.

The only reason that can recommend buying a 4: 3 monitor is limited space on the table.

3) Resolution

Resolution is the number of pixels displayed horizontally and vertically.

The LCD technology, by its nature, has only one optimized resolution and cannot be changed (as was done with CRT monitors) because the number of pixels is absolute.

Higher resolutions mean sharper images, clarity and more desktop space.

In contrast, the text becomes much smaller and more difficult to read.

So, before thinking that more pixels = more quality, it is convenient to reflect on the way you use the computer, if you use it to work with text documents or if it is mainly used to watch videos and images.

Refer to another article for further explanation of the meaning of screen resolution.

4) Contrast

ratio The contrast ratio describes the difference between the brighter white and the darkest black that the LCD monitor can display.

Higher contrast ratios show whiter whites, blacker whites, and lots of shades of gray.

The best possible contrast ratio is 1,000: 1.

It seems difficult to think about choosing one monitor compared to another based on the contrast ratio, moreover, sometimes, there is the term dynamic contrast, which is not the same and can be misleading.

5) Brightness

The LCD monitors are illuminated by different light bulbs.

The brightness is measured in candles per square meter (cd / m2).

A higher score of at least 300 cd / m2, ie a higher brightness, and is ideal for watching movies or playing games on the computer.

For office work and surfing on the Internet, a ratio of 200 – 250 cd / m2 is more than good.

6) Viewing

angle For the viewing angle of the image, LCD technology has taken a distinct step back from the cathode ray tubes.

An LCS monitor, seen from the side, cannot be seen or seen badly.

The more it costs, the more the viewing angle should be wide, but this parameter is interesting only if you plan to use the monitor as a television, not just for yourself.

Regarding this topic, I can mention the difference between TN and IPS monitors TN

technology is the most widespread and the most economical of TFT screens and is characterized by a low angle of view and a low contrast ratio.

The most expensive evolution is the IPS monitor with more vivid colors and a greater viewing angle.

7) Doors

A monitor is more than just a screen, it needs to be connected to a computer and possibly to other devices.

Many important therefore that it possesses different types of doors.

In another article, I wrote a guide on cables, ports, and connectors on the computer.

For a standard monitor, one must be careful that at least these ports are present: HDMI, DVI, VGA and Display Port, the last digital video output available since 2008.

Other parameters such as response time in milliseconds, can be overlooked because they are, roughly, identical for everyone and the differences are imperceptible.

In summary, when you go to buy a new monitor for your computer, you must first choose the size, proportions, and resolution.

In the next step, you can compare all the models available in the store to check the other features and, above all, look at the contrast ratio, brightness, and available ports.

Finally, clearly, you look at the price and, in my opinion, for normal use of the computer (if you do not work with advanced graphics and video programs) should not exceed 250 euros for a high-level screen.

Every comment to know what is the most important factor for you to decide whether to buy a monitor or another is welcome.